Cultivating Your Inner Sanctuary: A Guide to Personal Rituals for Mental Wellbeing
In the last post, I shared potential benefits of incorporating rituals into your life, whether for honoring, celebrating, or mourning. Here are some considerations to guide you i
Nurturing Mind and Soul: The Benefits of Incorporating Rituals into Your Mental Health Practice
A ritual is “a symbolic activity that is performed before, during, or after a meaningful event”. Rituals are purposeful, symbolic, and emotionally resonant actions or practices
5 Tips For Self-Care
“Self-care” can be a bit of an elusive term. Wellness culture often markets self-care with photos of bubble baths, candles, or sitting in nature. But what does it mean to actua
Demystifying The Language of Therapy
Demystifying the Language of Therapy Therapy might seem daunting, and that’s to be expected! It might seem like there is a whole other world of feeling language and phrases used
BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month
Heavy, misunderstood, traumatizing, challenging, layered, confusing, unfair, unjust, draining. These words can be used to describe the lived experiences of Black people, Indigenous
“I’m Not Anxious” – Misconceptions About Anxiety
While anxiety is a big overarching category for an array of mental health conditions, this post will address the symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD. To provide a fram
Walking Meditation
The Buddhist tradition has incorporated walking meditation as a form of mindfulness for centuries. Sitting meditation often focuses on the breath while walking meditation asks that
Decluttering and Mood
Everyone has different living preferences. People practice various levels of tidiness in their home or work environments. That said, regardless of what the standard might be from o
Sleep Hygiene
Hygiene is a big umbrella. Hygiene can encompass many things that run the gamut from assumptions that we have about cleanliness to the way we practically engage in cleanliness. It
Post-Graduation Depression
For many students graduation can be a moment of immense relief and celebration. While graduation can be an occasion for joy it can also be a time of stressful transitions. Graduati